Got it Covered

Yes, hard to believe, but I have a wardrobe full of tablecloths.

I collect them, or rather create them, whenever I come across a neat fabric or pattern. Most are bargain bin fabric pieces (this is where it is very useful to be able to sew, even a straight line, to finish the edges), and almost all have cost less than $10.

Some are thrift shop finds or hand me downs. Gauze-y organza, velvet, funky patterns, pretty florals, crisp plaids, silk, heavy woven cotton….It’s wonderful to be able to dress the table in so many ways.

Setting a table is like starting a painting: the tablecloth is the foundation and then I look around for accessories to build on a theme: bits of leaves, branches, flowers, rocks…lace, candles, interesting materials….

So much fun.


Birdman. Wow.


The Art of Roasting